To plan and create the best-in-class solution or service for your business, we first need to get to know you. You’re the expert on what you do and who you do it for. Our job is to transform that knowledge into efficient & best design.
🗹 Best planning and strategy.
🗹 Clean design with latest technology.
🗹 World class programming standard
🗹 Quality testing
🗹 Deliver in time

Now it’s time to assess your existing systems and solutions, if any exists. During this phase, we use six sigma tools like gap analysis, value steam mapping, etc. and generate a site map to work as a blueprint. This allows us to document functionality and establish what your users will need , when and where.
Using agile framework and scrum technology, we start building basic solution architecture as building block. You’ll be able to navigate through proto-type, test functionality and provide us continuous feedback to manage changes.
🗹 We aim to embed improvements through continous feedback.
🗹 We focus on engaing with key stakeholders for providing best solution.

FINAL COMPS, STYLE GUIDES & DESIGN SYSTEMS Taking the prototypes and continous feedback from key stakeholders, we pull together the final creative vision. From initial designs and interior style guide, to hover states and typographic styles, we nail down the design that will provide best user experience.
Here’s where we fine tune the solution by taking it through a thorough QA process, and squashing any bugs as they come up. We also perform intigration testing with existig systems for impact analysis and provide seem less integration, wherever required.

Go Live
TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD Now that the solution or service is ready and the system has been quality assured and tested, we create a launch plan to archive go live state. We ensure hyper care is in place and should go live seemlessly.